How to Play Blackjack to Win Money Super Easy for Every Bettor

How to Play Blackjack to Win Super Easy Money for Every BettorHow to play Blackjack to win? For every newbie, learning and understanding this issue will be the best way to be able to participate in the game easily and conveniently. At the same time, it will help bettors make the right decisions in each game. Below, Lucky Cola will share with you the most basic knowledge about how to play this card game.

Blackjack Key Features

Blackjack Key Features

Before going to the main point of the article, which is how to play Blackjack for money, let’s explore some basics of this card game. Blackjack is also known as blackjack. This game uses a deck of 52 Western cards; the task of the players when participating is to try to achieve a score less than 21 and as close to 21 as possible. Currently, this game is appearing at most online bookmakers on the market and attracts a large number of participants. Blackjack has great appeal because of its simple, easy-to-understand, and highly tactical gameplay.

Share how to play Blackjack to win money for beginners

Before experiencing any game, learning about how to play and the rules of the game is always extremely important and we cannot ignore it, the same goes for Blackjack. Below is information about the standard way to play this card game.

Score the cards

Blackjack does not specify the strength of the suit but only counts the points of the cards added together. Specifically as follows:

  • For the way to play Blackjack for money, cards from 2 to 10 will have the value corresponding to the corresponding number on the card.
  • The cards J, Q, and K will also be counted as 10 points.
  • The A card will be counted as 1 point if the total of the other cards that the player owns is greater than 11. If the total of the remaining cards is less than 11, then the A will be counted as 11 points. For example, 3 cards A, 3, and 4 will have a total of 18 points, and 3 cards A, 6, and 7 will be counted as 14 points.

Summary of basic terms to understand

Summary of basic terms to understand

When learning how to play Blackjack for money, the following terms are also extremely important factors that we cannot ignore:

  • Stand: Hold the cards, do not draw more, and give the right to another player when the first 2 cards have a score of 17-21.
  • Hit: If the first 2 cards have a total score lower than 17, then draw more cards.
  • Double: Double the bet on the next card you draw.
  • Deal: Discard the cards and lose half of the previous bet.
  • Split: If you are dealt 2 cards of equal value, the player has the right to split them into 2 separate sets and draw 1 more card for each side.
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How to play Blackjack to win money in one bet

  • To better understand and grasp the overall gameplay of Blackjack, let’s learn about the playing process of a game.
  • Players will have a certain amount of time to place bets before dealing cards.
  • The dealer will deal 2 cards to the house and all players at each door, in which the first card is face up and the remaining card according to the rules of Blackjack for money, will be face down.
  • Based on the score of the card, the player decides to draw more or stop drawing.
  • Finally, compare cards; the player who wins will immediately have the principal and interest added to the balance, but if they lose, they will lose all the money they bet.

Some smart ways to play should be applied

Some smart ways to play should be applied
  • In addition to understanding the basic ways to play blackjack to win money as mentioned above, you should refer to and apply some of the following playing experiences to be able to improve your chances of winning in each bet:
  • Split cards at the right time: If you have 2 cards with a value of 10 points, you should not split them because at this time you have an almost absolute chance of winning. In the case of owning 2 cards of 8, you should split them because, with only 16 points, it will be very difficult to beat the dealer.
  • Draw more cards when you have 2 cards of 5: The next effective way to play blackjack to win money should apply if you have 5 cards of 5 in your hand; the score will be 10, and the probability of drawing 1 more card with a high value is very high.
  • Double at the right time: If the first 2 cards dealt have a total of 9 or 10 points, quickly seize the opportunity and double the bet to win big.


So we have together discovered the whole way to play blackjack for money. Hopefully, this basic knowledge will help players have the best experience and easily bring home attractive casino rewards for their wallets.

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